Gambling - Licensing Authority statistics published

05 Oct

The Gambling Commission has published various Licensing Authority statistics in relation to gambling for the period 2009 – 2016.

A link to the article and two documents (one in word and the other an Excel spreadsheet) can be found here: 'Licensing authority statistics'.

Of note is the following extract from the “executive summary” which states as follows:

“The statistics report that there were 53,395 permits and notifications in force for gambling-related activity in alcohol-licensed premises, clubs and unlicensed family entertainment centres across Great Britain, as at 31 March 2016. Over a 5 year period, this figure has fallen by 5%.

From 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016, LAs reported that a total of 3,593 permits were issued or notifications received. Over a 5 year period, this figure has fallen by 59%. The average quantity of permits issued/notifications received per LA was 9 with 23 LAs issuing/receiving none during 2015/16.

In addition, LAs have issued 400 Occasional Use Notices (OUNs), allowing betting operators licensed by the Gambling Commission (the Commission) to take bets on tracks, and 14 Temporary Use Notices (TUNs), permitting the holder of a non-remote casino operating licence (licensed by the Gambling Commission) to offer gambling activities at a temporary venue for a limited period of time.

The report also presents the quantity of LA conducted pre-planned inspections, follow-up inspections, inspections following a complaint, and test purchase visits for age verification. During the period April 2015 to March 2016 (as part of their regulatory responsibility for gambling) LAs inspected or visited 5,627 premises, of which 3,274 were at locations where the operator is licensed by the Commission (for example, arcades, bookmakers, bingo halls, casinos and race tracks). “

The Summary goes on to state that 237 Licensing Authority’s conducted 10 or less visits of which 133 conducted none during the period!

Law correct at the date of publication.
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